Welcome to my Blog

I am a young photographer based in Prague, Czech Republic. But you can find me almost everywhere on the planet during super cool shoots for my clients. I am specializing in extreme sport and lifestyle photography. I love clean pictures, geometric composition, colors, hard light and much more…


Nikon Coolpix A – test photos

I got new Nikon Coolpix. I always wanted small camera with wide angle lens like this one. I have it one week and I am really happy. Body is really small, light and durable and pictures are really amazing. I can not believe they are from small camera like Coolpix A. If you are pro…

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Future trick

I had this idea for a long time in my head. I wanted to do something similar as one older picture with snowboarder. Rider is on rope in front of background with mountain painting. For this new project o chosen czech MTB rider Tomas Slavik. He performs completely new and  impossible (currently) trick on his…

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Midi controller with Lightroom

I bought new a gadget today. It is midi controller NanoKontrol 2. Why do i need midi controller as photographer? Because i can connect it with Lightroom and than map all sliders and buttons. You have to just plug controller to the computer and download special plugin to the Lightroom, for example Knobroom. After this…

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First paid job

Porky – First paid job This is picture from 2002. More than 11 years old. My first paid job:) For a few prints i got around 10 USD. I used Zenith-E and some color film from newspaper stand. I developed picture in mall and scanned it to fathers computer. And did some super cool vignette…

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New post process of old pictures

I found some older pictures from my beginning. And i still like them, but i tried post process them with new software, better photoshop skills and my different point of view. What do you thing about differences? Did you try something similar?

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It is January 5th 9:30 a.m. and our plane is just taking off the Ruzyně airport. I must admit that this is quite a step in the dark for us. All we know is that Libor’s new manager will be expecting us at the airport. We still have no idea of where we are going…

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